Gerhard’s killing and subsequent cover up, is unique, at least in Britain, I would expect.

Something not expected in a western democracy, not expected in a Europe of morality, not expected in a kingdom of laws, principles and decency.

But it did happen and the circumstances surrounding it and what followed, are the real story in the fight for Truth.

Gerhard left home on 1 September 2018 to attend a climbing course at his club. Mid-morning, we agreed by sms, just before he left the club, to meet a bit earlier than planned at London Kings Cross Station to enjoy one of our regular day time walk activities through the city. I arrived but he had disappeared and found him deceased in Regents Park, London the next day, neatly covered by his large Ikea gym towel - the first "staging" indicator.

What followed has been a harrowing experience with Met Police and Westminster Coroners in what by all, and substantial appearance, is a cover up of what lies behind his killing. I reject completely the coroner's ruling of suicide. Not emotionally, or on gut feel - but on the basis of evidence.

A Fight for Truth is not about the tragedy that lies behind Gerhard's own personal Truth. It is about the fight to uncover what lies behind his killing and why there has been such a concerted effort by Met Police officers and by all appearance, Westminster Coroners to cover it up.

It is not okay for Met Police officers to lie and protect anyone who commits crime (let alone the heinous crime of murder), no matter their priviledge or standing. It is not okay for coroners to conceal and act with bias and prejudice.

A Fight for Truth is a fight for our basic human right to justice and to be protected and defended by the institutions in place to do just that. To remain silent or to give up, is to lay open the path for someone else to suffer its pain.

A Fight for Truth will never bring Gerhard back but it may save others. And so for him and for them, the battle will only end when Truth is laid bare and Justice can be allowed to follow.

Later forensic testing of Gerhard’s phone and review of his electronic equipment revealed material evidence supporting further that Gerhard did not commit suicide and that he was killed. Although I don’t know precisely what happened at the scene, the evidence is starting to stack up to planned, premeditated murder. Throughout this site, I refer to killing rather than murder, only because the intimate facts have not yet been completely established nor tested through a proper court of law.

Forensic testing of Gerhard’s phone uncovered a message trail in the first hours of his disappearance, that had been deleted from his phone, of a contact to purchase steroids (street name “juice”) which he used occasionally in his daily gym routines. He was slightly built and used light steroids to assist him with energy and muscle retention. While it is legal to use and possess steroids, doctors will not prescribe it and so Gerhard had to rely on a drug dealer for the purchase after unsuccessfully trying to source it from outside the UK. Approximately 20 minutes after the contact instructed Gerhard the point where he was by Whatsapp, Gerhard’s watch stopped recording his heart beat and the towers stopped communicating with his phone, until 9 hours later when he was already deceased, the phone started communicating again. Most likely a scenario of being switched off and then on again. (supported by both the EE technicians at inquest and the senior officer in attendance at the crime scene)

Further review of Gerhard’s electronic equipment revealed a journal he had written a week before he died and in which he had named a list of people who had supplied him with drugs and who he had been threatening to report to the police. Gerhard had undergone a rehab process and no longer used drugs (he had been an occasional user for about 9 months), but remained angry at those that had introduced him to drugs and continued to use them. The journal named the drug dealers, associates and in particular an influential business and political individual, which corroborated his repeated insistence to me for support in reporting the individuals to the police.

Met Police Commissioner Dick, has refused to accept the new discovery evidence, citing “another investigation” preventing them from accepting the new evidence. Further requests to Deputy Commissioner House have been met with silence. After initially undertaking to assist, MP Oliver Dowden terminated all contact with me after communicating with the Commissioner’s office. Complaints into the actions of the Commissioner, including that with MP Dowden, have been stonewalled for over a year. Later requests in 2021 into the conduct of Ass Commissioner Ball and Dep Commissioner House, lodged through the IOPC, have not been responded to or investigated. All remain open cases.

Selfie taken on 4June 2017. Gym was his dedication, discipline and relief from his Asperger symptoms.

The next, and only step now available to me is through an application to the High Court for the Inquest to be quashed and a new inquest sought to reinvestigate Gerhard’s killing in Regents Park and ensure the Truth is laid bare into why he was killed and the extent to which Met Police officers and Westminster Coroners may have covered up the circumstances. And finally, to provide Gerhard with the Justice he deserves.

The process is expensive and a campaign launched to raise funds to help with the legal costs, which includes a private forensic assessment of all evidence of the scene, markings and wounds on his body, relative to his movements and actions leading up to his death.

 If you can, help with legal fees at

Go Fund Me

One of the last things Gerhard did in the hour before his disappearance was to stop at Starbucks for his regular "double shot" espresso coffee.

The private forensic examination has already been contractually secured and will commence immediately on receipt of evidence held with the coroner and pathologist who performed the first non-forensic autopsy.

Thus far, requests from appointed Barrister for legally entitled evidence from Westminster Coroner Wilcox have gone answered.

Once completed , the legal proceedings need to commence for the new inquest application and any actions against Met Police and others that may be suspected of complicity in a cover up. And of course, finally, in the hope of criminal prosecutions of whoever was involved in his death and cover up.

A summary of legal costs can be found on the page "Legal" and will be maintained to account for all costs and how and funds donated have been applied and used.

After over 3 years, Gerhard’s body still remains in Westminster mortuary only because of the length of time for Police Complaints of corruption to be investigated. Most remain open to this day. The cases that have been investigated are blatantly flawed and forms part of the evidence into cover up.

Recently, the Westminster Senior Coroner gave me 14 days to remove Gerhard and bury him, or Westminster Council will bury him. I have fought back to ensure his wounds, which may still contain physical evidence, are not destroyed. Camden Council ultimately came to the rescue and gave me until 30 November 2021 to conduct the forensic autopsy required before burial.

The deadline has now been extended to the end of December to give sufficient time for the gathering of evidence from the coroners and pathologist who conducted the first autopsy.

Westminster Morturay, Horesferry Road London. Gerhard's body is held in the mortuary freezers behind the large gates in the inconspicuous building with the two windows behind them. Just before completion of the 2nd day of Inquest, it was through the gates I had to walk to get Gerhard's clothes that he wore on the day he disappeared and the large towel that he was covered with when I found him.

I hope to be able to bury Gerhard in January 2022 and finally lay his body to rest. But neither of us will find peace until the Truth in what lies behind his killing is laid bare and why there has been such a determined effort by the authorities to cover it up. In time, I hope Justice will be delivered and we can begin to heal.

One of Gerhard's last stops traced on that morning was to Starbucks where he spent what appears to be his regular choice of double shot espresso coffee and a toasted sandwich.

If you are abe too, please consider a £5 donation to his campaign (the cost of the coffee and sandwhich) which will help with the extentsive legal fees in fighting for truth and ensuring his right to justice. (Click on the link below)

Go Fund Me : Help Fund Legal Cost