Devil in the Detail : Chapter 4

The Home Office Secretary of State, and his brother, the Scotland Yard Commander

Of course, Sajid went on to be become Chacellor of the Exchequer and finally today, the Health Secretary.

And Baz went on to be appointed Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Directorate of Professionalism.

On the surface, two men, highly successful in their careers. Deserving respect and admiration for what they have achieved. Scratching below the surface, one would expect and hope to find nothing different. Two men, brothers of substance. There is nothing to suggest or imply anything different to their being genuine and respectful; not that I know of.

But their positions, a conflict of interest in the separation of state and policing are inescapable. And in the context of Gerhard’s killing, materially relevant.

In the first instance, transfer of influence from a Conservative Party lead Government, which already overwhelmingly controls and influences policing through the network of PCC’s with allegiances to the party, has everything to do with the circumstances surrounding Gerhard’s killing and the events in investigation and inquisition that followed.

The positions of Sajid, then Home Secretary on the day of Gerhard’s killing and Baz’s move from Birmingham months after the killing to be placed at Scotland yard as Commander in the period of destruction of material evidence by Met Police and subsequent ongoing and determined efforts to lie, deceive and cover up by Met Police continued throughout his tenure as commander and worse still, in his appointment and continuing influence at DPS as Dep Ass Commissioner, the penultimate layer of deceit to deny justice and bury truth. The DPS has acted as blatant enabler of corruption. Worse still, it has become complicit in it. And Baz Javid, brother to the home secretary and ongoing “companion” of Prime Minster Boris Johnson, the man materially linked and with the most to lose by exposure and fall out from Gerhard’s killing, is right in the thick of it. Knee deep in Met Police swamp of corruption in its leadership.

How can it not be possible for me to fear, fear substantially, that the positioning of Baz Javid in the most senior ranks of London Met Police is nothing more than an effort to control policing by the Conservative Party. An ongoing concerted effort of influence and interference by proxy. One the one hand, MP Nickie Aiken actively pursuing influence and Baz Javid placed in the heart of it. Why should I not see it as state capture of London Metropolitan Police ? The actions of the three most senior commissioner ranks affecting Gerhard’s investigation: Dick, House and Ball, all serve to fuel that fire!

Whether brothers Javid are good and decent or bad and dangerous, is anyone’s guess. It’s the problem with deception, its hard to detect and expose. It’s the very nature of deception. It’s the domain of dirty ruthless politicians who are masters at it, and their servants only too keen to serve in blind loyalty. Sajid, servant to the master and Baz, servant to the servant.

All this in the face of Met Police Commissioner Dick and Westminster Senior Coroner making every effort possible to obstruct and prevent material new discovery evidence from being submitted for investigation and reviewed by a specialist independent forensic pathologist. A stench hangs over their actions and until Met Police leadership are investigated for their complicity in any cover up, obstruction or perversion of the course of justice, the truth in what happened on 1 September 2018, what lies behind it and what lies behind the determined efforts to bury the killing will continue to defy Gerhard’s and our fundamental human right to justice.

The linking of arms between government and Met Police through brothers Javid is a dangerous precedent and the cover up in Gerhard’s killing is evidence of it !