Devil in the Detail : Chapter 3

: Influence by Proxy: Met Police : Conservative Party : Nickie Aiken :

Stop and pause a moment to consider the network of MP Nickie Aiken.

She is directly linked to “PB”, the senior Conservative Party Official, Government Contractor and London Businessman whose focus is Conservative Party Expat campaigning, Government advocacy and lobbying, and reputational management of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals.

She is substantially linked to the most senior and influential politicians of the Conservative Party and Government Ministers.

She is substantially linked to Westminster City Council and to the City of London. Through her role as Westminster City Leader, she is substantially linked to coroner Shirley Radcliffe and senior coroner Fiona Wilcox of Westminster Coroner Services.

And as we can see

She is substantially linked to and influential over the most senior levels of London Metropolitan Police including the Conservative Party Mayoral Policing Committee

She is the Joker in the Pack of Conservative Party total control over policing in London.

I fear that for so long as the Conservative Party retains its grip of influence over Met Police there is little hope of the truth ever being allowed to emerge in Gerhard’s killing.

Through MP Nickie Aiken, a channel of influence is created by which the Conservative Party is able to direct and wield substantial influence and control over London Metropolitan Police.

The Network of Nickie Aiken, arguably opened through her husband's long and influential relationship as Government Communications Head and similar position at Westminster Council previous to his appointment to government, is extensive and unfettered. What she does with that opportunity is her own affair.

But with it in the one hand, while extending the other hand through the door of influence to London’s Met Police, is another thing altogether. By doing so, she creates a channel through which influence is able to transfer from Government members and interested parties directly or indirectly connected to Government and the Conservative Party to exert influence over Met Police.

Nickie Aiken has been blatant in her willingness to exert influence and cross the line of respecting the divide of separation of government and policing as detailed to me in the letter from Home Office stressing such importance behind their refusal to intervene in the investigation of Gerhard’s killing.

Whether one views through the eyes of morality, ethics, institutional corruption or even raw corruption, is up to the individual in interpreting their own expectations of trust in government, politicians and policing.

With government influence at the most extensive and highest levels on the one hand, Nickie Aiken also actively participates in Met Police influence. She bypasses structures in place responsible for police accountability (MOPAC or PCCs) and in effect, blatantly undermines it. The structures in place, while the oath of impartiality may have been abandoned, still requires it. The PCC structures are public record and publicly held accountable. The influence of Nickie Aiken, the ambitious politician, is not. Who knows what is discussed? Who knows the extent of influence? None of it is public record. How does the public trust in anything presented by the PCCs while politicians are free to run amok among Met Police exerting whatever influence they choose?

Nickie Aiken is not only blatant in influencing she is equally blatant in flaunting Conservative Party and Government transfer of influence. While whatever is discussed may remain off record and un-minuted, she flaunts the interactions to influence the electorate within the party to advance her own profile and climb her own ladder of ambition. And Met Police are willing and active participants. Interrupting meetings for photoshoot opportunities and as in the case of Commissioner Dick, posing for a selfie with her – all to be used for material in Conservative Party campaign material.

So how does that affect Gerhard’s right to the truth and to his right to Justice. How does it affect mine, his family’s and his friends’ ? Extensively and Offensively !

Nickie Aiken is directly connected to “PB”. So too is the Conservative Party – substantially.

Her interactions with and influence over Commissioner Dick and Dep Commissioner House links both to the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing and cause for cover up.

It fundamentally explains the influence that by all appearance, has been exerted over Met Police officers at the highest level, to cover up the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing. A coroner’s ruling of suicide, the tool used to achieve that end.

Nickie Aiken and Westminster CEO, Stuart Love, are both connected directly to “PB” through Westminster Council’s extensive multi billion pound contractual relationship with the business to which “PB” is a senior manager and influencer of. That same organisation is closely linked to Prime Minister Boris Johnson – the deliverer of Brexit at the behest of his masters, all the while, while Gerhard lay dying, and more than a year of cover up ensuing leading to the 2019 election and final slam of the hammer in the delivery of Brexit. A killing that may well have threatened its delivery by Conservative Party association.

It is exacerbated even further by “PB”s own substantial interactions with Government ministers contractually and though advocacy and lobbying. It explains the silence of MP Oliver Dowden, closely associated with “PB” and it explains the efforts by Commissioner Cressida Dick and Dep Commissioner Stephen House to obstruct submission of substantial new discovery evidence which coroner Radcliffe refused to follow up on, discovered through forensic review of Gerhard’s phone and additional evaluation of his electronic equipment. It explains the submission of a lie to the high court in Judicial Review of my complaints by the DPS and which Ass Commissioner Helen Ball remained silent on despite my request that it be withdrawn. Her action facilitated the lie.

And it doesn’t stop there. The multi billion pound contract of influence referred to, directly links the Westminster coroners to the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing through Westminster’s Stuart Love and Nickie Aiken and consequently seals the knot of interconnectivity between Government, The Conservative Party, Westminster Council, Westminster Coroner Services and the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing.

And if bad weren’t bad enough, senior coroner Wilcox, who currently is denying release of copy evidence for independent forensic pathologist review, is strongly connected to Met Police outside of coronial duties and substantially to Commissioner Dick, both being appointed in the same period to the institution of the Middle Temple. A private organisation of barristers and judges protected from Freedom of Information ! (My request to release Commissioner Dick’s proposers and signatories to her appointment as honorary membership has been denied on the grounds of being a private organisation).

Nickie Aiken is the nucleus around which the influence flows and the knot is tied. She is the Joker in the Pack of deception!

I finish the chapter on MP Nickie Aiken, her husband Alex Aiken and the influence by proxy with an extract of the letter to me from Home office:

" .. police forces and the IOPC are operationally independent of Government and this, quite rightly, ensures that they can make decisions free from political interference.”