The Conservative Party

Note: This section will be published in a series of chapters. It is long, complicated and requires barrister review over some details before release to protect against retaliation.

• Introduction


• Politics in Policing

• Power of Influence

• Devil in the Detail

• The Journal

• The Prime Ministers


I have accused that Met Police officers have actively participated in a cover up of Gerhard’s killing and accused the coroner of a kangaroo inquest, both accusations of which I resolutely stand by based on the evidence, which when collectively put together, vindicates my argument.

While the actions of police officers and coroner can be factually detailed and evidenced, the extent of Conservative Party involvement has not had the opportunity to be tested for one reason only, Met Police obstruction. Met Police, at the most senior level, are obstructing justice by blocking and refusing to accept new discovery evidence and in so doing, protect those that are responsible for Gerhard’s killing and for the cover up that ensued. But they also go a step further in the actions of obstructing and perverting the course of justice in the investigations that have already participated in.

At the core of Conservative Party association to Gerhard’s killing, is the individual named in Gerhard’s journal for supplying him drugs. And it is from there, that the ripple spreads across the party through their actions and through their linkages.

There are three fundamental questions that need to be asked and answered:

• Were members of the Conservative Party (Government) involved in “green lighting” Gerhard’s killing when the opportunity arose? and/or

• Are members of the Conservative Party (Government) behind the cover up of Gerhard’s killing? and/or

• Have members of the Conservative Party (Government) become aware of the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing and the aspects of cover up and have they consciously withheld information; in so doing, obstructed the course of justice.

To answer that, you don’t look to Gerhard, he was insignificant in the context of those questions.

What you look to are the individuals he was threatening to expose for drug use, and which included a senior and highly influential Conservative Party member. What you look to, are the 2019 elections and the impact exposure would have had on them. What you look to, is the relationship between Conservative Party officials and Met Police officers, in the first instance, and in the second, with Westminster Coroner Services, the coroners. And what you look for, is the “power of threat” in the hands of organised crime towards the individuals over whom they hold sway.

Once you begin analysing their actions and drawing the lines, a thread is drawn from the “contact” in the park, behind which sits heinous crime, through to the highest levels possible in the Conservative Party, at the time of Gerhard’s killing right up until present day.

What you look for, is the devil in the detail, and truth begins to conquer its dark secret!

There is nothing that I write of in this section that I have not informed the Home Office nor the London Mayor of. I have ensured I have copied them into every letter to whomever I have written to, to ensure they are kept fully abreast of my assertions and accusations, especially the named individuals that I refer to in the linkages and associations.

While I understand the Home Office position of ensuring against political interference in policing and their being powerless to intervene (HO210319), once we sit back and piece together the individuals and especially their behaviours, along with the infrastructure of policing, you will discover that policing is every bit a matter of political influence, and it is the influence that has been exerted in ensuring the truth behind Gerhard’s killing is buried. The evidence will expose it.

Political policing combined with coronial unaccountability, secrecy and absolute protection from scrutiny is a lethal cocktail for failure and corruption. And it is in that, that Gerhard has been denied the dignity of his human right to Justice.

Behind politics, sits the faceless power of wealth and ambition. And it is there, that you scratch the surface of “order” to reveal what lies behind the “chaos” in the network of linkages from organised crime to the interconnectedness of Conservative Party officials, Met Police and the Coroners which cradled the deception of cover up.

Could I have ever imagined, that in my first contact with the Conservative Party to find support, I inadvertently had stepped into the viper’s den itself. On encouragement from a close friend to reach out to my local MP for support, I decided it more likely to get the understanding and assurance against prejudice by rather approaching someone within the LGBT political community. I pondered hard which would be best. I chose the Conservative Party LGBT leader Colm Howard-Lloyd (CH) for no other reason that I believed the Conservative Party would be the party best positioned to act with strength and provide justice for Gerhard. I was wrong.

He ignored my requests for support and simply did not answer. Over a year later, as the spectre of cover up grew louder and louder, I discovered his substantial link to the individual named in the journal. His silence became clear. He was the first of what was to become a list of Conservative Party members to choose silence as their shield to protect, to choose party loyalty over public interest right to justice, to obstruct the truth in Gerhard’s killing and deny him his justice.

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