Met Commissioner Crissida Dick : 2 x Open cases

Met Dep Commissioner Steven House : 2 x Open Cases

Met Ass Commissioner Helen Hall : 2 x Open Cases

Dir Gen IOPC Michael Lockwood : Powerless to Intervene

Minister for Crime Kit Malthouse : Powerless to Intervene

Sec. State Home Office Priti Patel : Powerless to Intervene

London Mayor Sadiq Khan : Powerless to Intervene

MOPAC Ops Head Sophie Linden : Powerless to Intervene

Sec. State Home Office Sajid Javid : at time of killing

Conservative Chair Lon. Pol.&Crime Comm. Shaun Bailey


they say, as they stand by and watch the house burn down.

I do stop, pause, consider and weigh the significance,but I stand by my assertion


I use the term “Policing” as it references across multi-institutions responsible for policing, and which includes:

• London Met Police

• Met Police Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS)

• Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)

• Home Office including:

     o The secretary of state

     o The Minister for Crime

     o Police Integrity Unit

• Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)

• The High Court for Judicial Review

• London Assembly – Police and Crime Committee

There is no accusation or even insinuation that all those listed above were, or are, involved in or intentionally contributed towards any mis-policing that has occurred relating to Gerhard’s killing or cover up. However, all are fundamentally responsible for policing and collectively, if there is failure, misadventure or corruption, then each carry the burden of responsibility therefore.

In my search for truth, I have interacted with all but the last, and even then, with respect to the last, it remains impactful to the circumstances surrounding Gerhard’s killing and cover up.

I do not suggest or assert it, I accuse Policing of failing Gerhard, me and Gerhard’s family.

In my letter to Assistant Commissioner Stephen House on 20 June 2021, I labelled it an Abomination of Policing. His silence and refusal to respond to my request for feedback on complaints (refer below) serves only to vindicate my rage and I accuse his actions of being of Institutional Corruption. Through silence, he obstructs the course of justice. Through silence, he is an enabler of corruption in London’s Met Police, a drip down from top to bottom. His silence is a tacit rejection and obstruction of justice by denying my request in that same letter, for the second time, the right to submit material new discovery evidence found on Gerhard’s phone (forensic) and on his other electronic media.

In my letter of complaint of Corruption in Met Police and DPS, and of Institutional Corruption in the IOPC, to Director General (IOPC) Michael Lockwood on 20 September 2021 I reiterated my accusation of an Abomination of Policing and have requested feedback in order for me to properly proceed with a S13 application for the Inquest held in 2019, to be quashed and a new inquest held. Policing, its failure and corruption, is to play a core part in any liaison I require in legal consultation. He responded on 7 October 2021 that the IOPC is powerless to act. Is it that the value of the IOPC to Policing is worth less than a eunuch to a bordello? Most of what I have experienced with the IOPC confirms it!

I’d like to pause again at this juncture and feel it important that I stress clearly and loudly that my accusations are not generalised accusations aimed at the institution of policing. I recognise and support the incredible work that thousands of police officers do, diligently and honestly. They deserve the respect and support commanded from their commitment, bravery and honour with which they serve. My accusations are targeted towards specific individuals, some known, some unknown.

It is possibly also a good time at this early stage of writing to note that while Gerhard’s case was assigned to the most junior level of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), it is most likely that his failure and any contribution of corruption is inadvertently as a pawn on a wider platform of corruption. The evidence will illustrate that corruption occurred at senior level. It is top to bottom. Similarly, while I remain deeply hurt, shocked and outraged by the conduct of investigation of the officer that undertook the DPS investigation, my sentiment is similar. One needs to look beyond the junior rank to identify the real influence that lies behind the abomination.

Understanding the putrid smoke of corruption lies in the following:

• Met Police consistent obstruction in allowing new evidence obtained through forensic testing of Gerhard’s phone and information obtained from his electronic media. By blocking submission, they prevent investigation and reopening of his case. Justice is obstructed and perverted.

• Met Police DPS refusal to investigate the following complaints submitted through IOPC and recorded under the following case numbers (Note: They have not officially declined to investigate; they simply remain silent and don’t investigate. The cases currently remain open):

1. IOPC 2020/138288 (Submitted 21 Jun 2020) : DPS PC/7391/20 Office of Commissioner Dick communications with MP Oliver Dowden that caused his immediate termination of communication with me in obtaining MP support.

2. IOPC 2020/142025 (Submitted 27 Aug 2020) : DPS - No Response DPS non investigation of PC/739120 – Commissioner Dick / MP Oliver Dowden communications

3. IOPC 2020/140372 (Submitted 28 Jul 2020) : DPS/7391/20 Commissioner Dick denial of opportunity to submit new discovery evidence in an environment that would assure against bias and prejudice.

4. IOPC 2021/152924 (Submitted 6 May 2021) : DPS - No response DPS Ass Commissioner Helen Ball prejudice in continuance of 2020/144684 investigation (refer below)

5. IOPC 2021/152927 (Submitted 9 May 2021): DPS - No response DPS Ass Commissioner Ball, Judicial Review submission lies

6. IOPC 2021/158881 (Submitted 6 Sep 2021) : DPS – No response Dep Commissioner Stephen House prejudice and perversion of the course of justice

7. IOPC 2021/158881 (Submitted 12 Sep 2021) : DPS – No response Dep Commissioner Stephen House participation in MP Nickie Aiken Two Cities of Westminster and London Campaign material, and who is closely linked to the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing.

Special mention needs to be made surrounding the complaint into the communications between MP Oliver Dowden and the Office of Commissioner Dick (no confirmation of precisely who he communicated with). There has been a sustained effort to deny the very existence of the complaint and later, false case number provided in a further attempt to bury it. A more detailed discussion over the detail and impact of the complaint will be made under the dissection of evidence section of the campaign web pages.

• Complaint 2019/114971 : PC/682/19 (submitted on 31 Jan 2019) Met Police failure and corruption. The investigation was completed and contained extensive failure, deceit, subterfuge, obfuscation, obstruction and perversion of the course of justice. All of it !

The DPS investigation denied all points of complaint and which was upheld in IOPC Appeal. IOPC, despite promise, terminated engagement to resolve areas of dispute in the findings. It is in this, that failure quickly morphed to institutional corruption.

The Appeal was submitted for Judicial Review with DPS and IOPC Co-Defendants. Both denied the required Judicial Review process to attempt to resolve differences. The Judge ruled DPS review “out of time” while IOPC was ruled in their favour on the basis specifically referenced to the lies submitted in the DPS defence. (Refer Complaint against Ass Commissioner Helen Ball above)

This complaint, appeal and Judicial Review will be dissected in detail in the evidence review section and will reveal the extent of DPS complicity in cover up. It will further illustrate the extent of multi-institutional failure to detect corruption and the channel through which the influence of organised crime wove its thread through to the Institution of Justice itself.

• Complaint IOPC 2020/137634 : PC/3850/20 : IOPC 2020/144684 DPS Prejudice in non-investigation of PC/682/19 based on false information of an in-progress investigation that would prejudiced by this investigation.

DPS denied the complaint but after successful appeal, DPS admitted providing false information but denied it caused prejudice. No matter how outraged by their blatant institutional corruption in that alone, I chose not to appeal to the IOPC. They have shown to be a force of prejudice and mistrust themselves. I chose the voice of “only a fool makes the same mistake twice”. To subject myself to a lottery of IOPC failure would be to subject myself and Gerhard’s chance for Justice to substantial risk. Their failure becomes a weapon to be used against you in Police prejudice and corruption.

• Complaint IOPC 2020/146572 No Access to Remedy Prejudice This complaint was lodged in the face of continuing injustice of being denied the opportunity to submit new discovery evidence. On the 22 December 2020, the DPS wrote:

[…] “PC/7391/20 – this is a complaint recorded against the Commissioner with regards to you not being able to supply additional information.

I have been informed by AW Professional Standards that the death of your husband went to inquest and the coroner addressed your points. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome received at court, or unhappy that they have not accepted further documents from yourself, I advise that you complain to the Coroner’s Office direct.

As far as I can see from your recent submission, this is a repetition of PC/7391/20 which is a live investigation therefore I will not be recording a new complaint at this stage. I will add this information to PC/7391/20."

The Inquest concluded in December 2019 and it is blatant misinformation of being able to complain to the “Coroner’s Office” over dissatisfaction of the inquest outcome.

In the second, with regards the Commissioner’s refusal to facilitate the submission of new discovery evidence in an environment that assures against bias, prejudice and threat goes to the heart of my complaint, that there is no mechanism to turn to when being prejudiced by Met Police officers, especially the DPS themselves. To simply add it to the complaint against the very officer prejudicing Gerhard’s and our right to justice, is staggering. That statement vindicates, that of October 2021, there has not been a single communication to me with regards the complaint against the Commissioner’s actions nor the complaint of what transpired between the Commissioner’s Office and MP Oliver Dowden, causing him to terminate all further communication with me.

An important point to note at this stage is that the DPS falls under the direct management and authority of Commissioner Dick and of Dep Commissioner Stephen House. DPS head, Ass Commissioner Helen Ball, is their direct subordinate.

• Letters to Met Police Dep Commissioner Stephen House on 23 June 2021 followed up on 19 July 2021 as complaint and request for feedback of DPS non investigations, Met Police Corruption and cover up, the opportunity to submit new discovery evidence, and request for coroner criminal investigation. He has remained silent.

• Letter to IOPC Director General Michael Lockwood on 20 September 2021 of Corruption and Failure of Policing in the Investigation of Gerhard’s killing. He has written back, claiming impotence.

• MOPAC refusal to investigate Commissioner Dick (IOPC 2020/140397) on the basis that the Commissioner cannot be held accountable for the letter denying submission of new discovery evidence written by her staff officer (private secretary). Refusal also to respond to holding Met Police to account for their failures and corruption, and the risk it posed to Gerhard. This will be further dissected under the evidence section.

• Home Office Police Integrity Unit (letters addressed to Rt Hon Priti Patel) advising their inability to intervene to ensure separation of state and policing. This will be further dissected under the evidence section, but not intended to insinuate or suggest any failure or wrongdoing by the Home Office Unit. However disappointed I may feel, I do understand and respect their address to me.

• Met Police inter-relationships with the coroner is especially relevant and material in context to the coroner’s unaccountability and autocracy in case management. The relationship will be discussed in detail in the evidence section of the Inquest.

• Met Police inter-relationship with politicians. The politics in policing will be discussed further in the evidence section and the extent to which government and politicians are able to exert sway and influence through proxy. The relevancy in Gerhard’s killing and cover up was illustrated in detail and complained of in my letter to the IOPC Director General referenced above. My letter to MOPAC on 19 April 2021 explained the substantial risk posed to Gerhard’s truth and justice should Sadiq Khan lose the Mayoral race to Conservative Party candidate, Shaun Bailey. Should the Conservative Party have sealed control over the Mayorship, in addition to substantial control of the Two Cities of Westminster and London , with the extent of influence already evidenced over Met Police, it would have been the final nail in the coffin of Gerhard’s Truth. Fait accompli in the cover up of his killing. The Conservative Party campaigned hard for his election and if successful, would have rendered their total and complete control and influence of London’s Met Police.

The actions of Met Police and the DPS leaves me with an overwhelming sense that the DPS is merely a tool of Met Police to add a layer of protection against criticism and insight into failure and corruption. That statement is vindicated by the ruling in Judicial Review, that any review of their actions were “out of time”. It is impossible to remain “in time” when the proper procedure is to follow appeal through the IOPC which takes one “out of time” for any Judicial Review of DPS conduct.

On 13 April 2021, the Home Office Police Integrity Unit wrote to me:

“As set out in our previous letter, police forces and the IOPC are operationally independent of Government and this, quite rightly, ensures that they can make decisions free from political interference. The IOPC is the independent oversight body for the police complaints system and where you are not satisfied with the handling or outcome of a complaint, you are entitled to seek a review of that decision, with the relevant review body being either the IOPC or Local Policing Body - which in your case would be the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). The IOPC is also responsible for investigating the most serious and sensitive allegations against the police, with new powers to investigate without a referral having been made to them by the police - known as the “power of initiative”.

On 4 September 2020, with regards the same complaint of Commissioner Dick, MOPAC writes,

"The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is the Appropriate Authority for complaints about the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis (the MPS Commissioner). Although the MPS Commissioner was named in your complaint, the investigation of criminal matters is delegated to the Borough Occupational Command Unit and/or Directorate of Professional Standards who will make decisions on the admissibility of evidence. Therefore, for this reason your complaint is not eligible to be treated as a complaint against the MPS Commissioner. In view of the above, I am required to forward your correspondence to the MPS Complaints Support Team (CST), which I have done. The role of CST is to initially handle your complaint. They will be in contact with you at the earliest opportunity where they will gather information in regards to your complaint to fully understand it."

The resistance to act by MOPAC and IOPC flies in the face of the Home Office Police Integrity Unit. Met Police and its armour, wolf in sheep’s clothing, the DPS, appear a single power unto itself. No-one appears able or willing to reign it in or hold it to account.

Policing - What hope is there for Truth or Justice ?

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