Devil in the Detail : Chapter 5

The Commissioners

A killing

A cover up

and a

Fight for Truth

This chapter will examine and discuss the behaviours and associations of each in relation to Gerhard's killing and the subsequent events that have followed and in which I believe resolutely, that London Met Police officers have participated in persistent and determined efforts to bury and conceal the circumstances surrounding the events of 1 September 2018, the day of his dissapearance and dicovery the next day, dead in Regent's Park, neatly covered by his Ikea gym towel.

The Commissioner : Cressida Dick

For a long while, I wanted to believe in her. Believe that she had at heart, a commitment to what is good and despite the challenges she must face and the decisions she must make, at her core, I genuinely hoped that what I see on the news and in my dealings with London’s Met police, it was not representative of her.

But I no longer believe that nor hope for it. I believe her to be at the very least, institutionally corrupt. Defiant to the end, forced out of office. It is her I hold ultimately responsible for the cover up in the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing, and her immediate subordinates I hold with equal contempt and culpability.

They are harsh words of course, but I say them purposefully and after a long period of consideration.

And so, what of her.

The areas of focus and cause for concern and distrust are the following associations or links:

• The Conservative Party

• Westminster City Council

• Senior Coroner Fiona Wilcox

• The Middle Temple

• Person B : “PB”

Those, coupled with her behavior in relation to my interactions with her, leave me with an overwhelming sense that she stands against public interest and individual rights to fairness, truth and justice. I am left in no doubt that she has fostered an organisation that conceals, detracts and distorts, weaponizes deception and manipulates institutional weaknesses and failures to its benefit and to the detriment of the public. Despairingly, I feel only distrust of Met Police leadership and a sense of disgust in them.