A Staged Suicide and an Ensuing Cover Up : It’s a strong statement to make and I make it only having carefully considered the evidence that supports it.

I made it clear to the coroner, that suicide is far easier for me to deal with than his being killed by someone else. My accusations are evidence based and time has served to strengthen the argument against suicide and support a Met Police cover up. It is a substantially more painful route for me to be following.

As with everything in Gerhard’s case, one cannot consider one single piece of evidence but rather the collective gathering of information:

• The period leading up to his death

• The day of his disappearance and killing

• The scene detail

• His body of evidence

• Met Police and Coroner behaviour

Of course, if you are to consider that Gerhard was killed and a scene staged to create the appearance of suicide then one would have to look beyond Gerhard to discover the why, and which leads on to my accusation of an extensive and determined effort to support the staging, by Met Police and by all reasonable appearance, Westminster Coroner Services. And there too, I would have to, and will, be able to give a plausible argument for the why and how.

From Policing and the Coroner, there is a clear thread that weaves together the tapestry of deception into the heart of the Conservative Party and the institutions of power that it controls.

Your instinctive reaction may be to raise your eyebrows and express it being a wide net to have cast. But follow the trail, follow the evidence. It will shock you, but moreover, I think it will sadden you. The institutions sworn to protect you, stand for you; it is within them that the corruptors lie.

It would be important to pause at this stage to extinguish any thought of personal political purpose behind my accusations. I would hope that no matter the party or ideology you may support, you would never accept corruption or killing as an excusable action for ambition or purpose. I would hope no matter your party affiliation, that you would be repulsed by the evidence you will in time come to read in the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing and the cover up that followed.

Behind it all, and the potential source, lies the real possibility of threat and influence of organised crime which sits behind the contact in the park. And once you have read the full story of Gerhard Venter, I will ask you, the reader, to consider the most fundamental issue – corruption, and the extent to which it played a role in Gerhard’s killing and subsequent cover up.

Gerhard, alive, as insignificant as he was, posed a threat. Dead, he posed an equally dangerous threat. And therein, will lie the motive.

In order to achieve the cover up of Gerhard’s killing, first and foremost, a suicide needed to be staged. It was a circus arena that relied on its actors, the clowning of Met Police and the theatre of the coroner to ensure the curtain was drawn in the final act of deceit. On the evidence, I remain convinced that the coroner played her role in a kangaroo process of inquisition to ensure, no matter what, a ruling of suicide would be given. Everything she did or said, was a ruse of pretence, an illusion of inquisition.

Strong words you may say.

Well, I encourage you not to pre-judge. Read and follow to the end, and then judge. In judging, I would ask that you ensure you consider the evidence and if you disagree, give convincing and plausible argument to the contrary. Because without it, you would be biased.

It is the same standard I apply to myself, to remain unbiased and look only to the facts. I may fret for Gerhard’s restlessness, but I don’t favour him in my assessment.

My own conclusion, on the facts and evidence before me, is that:

• Gerhard was killed by someone else

• A scene was staged to create the appearance suicide

• Met Police officers participated in a cover up

• The coroner conducted a kangaroo process of inquisition

• Members of The Conservative Party are substantially linked to the circumstances of Gerhard’s killing

• The cover up involved substantially more than one, and consequently should be considered a “conspiracy” to obstruct and pervert the course of justice

• Met Police Directorate of professional Standards contributed significantly to such action, the extent of conscious intent, would need to be determined through proper investigation.

• The actions of the IOPC, I assert, began in failure, but quickly morphed into institutional corruption, and consequently, have rendered themselves complicit also in such action.

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